Friday, August 30, 2013

Alaska State Fair!

One of our favorite summer/fall activities is the Alaska State Fair.  Livestock, giant vegetables, fair food and good music.  What else to you need in one place?!

Heading into the fair!

First stop RIBS!

Saturday=BUSY, but awesome!
Then the sun came out.  Even the fair has awesome scenery!


Bull's tend to win.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Thunder or a Glacier?

This is 


Recently while in SW Wisconsin a thunder storm rolled through. There was thunder and lightening everywhere. I love a good storm, the sounds the sights, the smells and how everything looks just a little bit greener afterwards. 
You may not know this but in the Seward area rarely if ever do we get to experience a thunder storm. 
You're probably asking yourself what a glacier has to do with any of this? 
When you experience the majesty of the glaciers close your eyes and listen. The sound a glacier makes with it creaking and cracking sounds very much like thunder. 
When I am viewing a glacier I can close my eyes and imagine I am in a thunder storm and when I am viewing a thunder storm I can close my eyes and imagine I'm in Alaska sitting on a boat or in a kayak in front of a glacier. 

This is 


Our little cabin #3 named after the great Aialik Glacier.